📣 Happy Monday gang! Cheers to a good week, hey? ☕️📽🍿
📣 Happy Monday gang! Cheers to a good week, hey? ☕️📽🍿
What is LSC Split Community? How does it work?
We are a safe community of individuals who provide and buy access to premium OTT subscriptions. If you make a purchase, you will be assigned to a provider who has access to your desired subscription and will provide you with login credentials.
Is LSC Split Community (letsplitandchill.in) genuine?
We are aware of the fact that there have been fake reviews created by competitors just to talk badly about LSC Split Community. We would like to point out that these reviews were created by accounts which seem to have only been made for the sake of disparaging our community. Letsplitandchill.in provides 100% legit, safe and exceptional services, and will continue doing so despite these reviews. Please find some of the fake review alerts below:
Reviewer: the account I received was very delay, after 9 hours, I paid for 6 months and they blocked me from whatsapp.
Answer: We did not delay your account as no purchase was made. Also there is no 6 months plan available/mentioned on our community's website. Please post your EMAIL (or) PAYMENT ID if you believe that we made a mistake we will fix it immediately.
Reviewer: the account was banned / closed 2 times in a month
Answer: We do not abruptly cancel accounts in the middle of a subscription because we value our community members, we have in place our own billing systems to make sure your account never gets banned. We are always ready to share samples of billing details/payment info pages to new members before making any purchase.
Reviewer: they provide each time a new id, so it is very difficult to login again and again
Answer: We do not provide new ID's in the middle of subscription, because we think it's mean. For proof we welcome you to ping us on whatsapp and we will share samples of billing details/payment info pages before making any payments.
What are the payment modes available?
All payment options are available. Credit card/ debit card/ net banking/ UPI, etc., all transactions are processed through Payumoney, our official payment partner.
But Is this different from netfl*x?
We are not from official Netflx. We are a community providing split subscriptions by bringing providers and buyers in one place.
I want a refund for my payment.
Don't worry, we offer full refund for genuine cases. Please mail us at support@letsplitandchill.in
How does it work?
One netf**x account of USD16 is split with 4 users depending on availability.
How do you guys Split with five members if the max screen is four?
It depends on the availability of users. Our system and monitoring team automatically detects the availability and assigns eligible users. Sometimes some of the users cancel.
I have made the payment. I am waiting for my login details.
Our system will automatically share the login credentials with you, and you will receive it in your Whatsapp/Email. The maximum time is 3 Hours. If it's more than 3 hours, please ping us on Whatsapp.
What if someone changes the password?
Do Not Change the login Email/Password given by us. The account contains our credit card info and hacking that is Seriously illegal. Our Monitoring Team can easily recover such accounts, and you be banned with no refund.
And which profile to use?
Use only the PROFILE allocated to you. Do NOT use anyone else's profile, and if you do so, you will violate the community's guidelines.
Can I share the login details with my friends or my family?
Do not share your login id and password with anyone, be it friends or family. As we've said earlier, Breaking Community Rules will lead to a Permanent BAN with NO REFUND.
Can I watch on multiple devices?
You can watch it on laptop / TV / Mobile anywhere. Just make sure to play at one device at one time or buy two screens as per your requirement. If our monitoring team detects you are playing on two or more devices at the same time, you will be blocked with no refund.
Where can I get further help?
We're here 24/7/365 for our community. Let us know on Whatsapp, (or) use website messaging service (or) write to us at support@letsplitandchill.in
We would like the opportunity to show everyone how we're different and how we've provided additional value to our community members. We share our expertise with you, and you should feel free to ping LSC Split Community (letsplitandchill.in) on WhatsApp if you have a question before making any payments.
Okay Plus Spaces, Malviya Nagar, IN 302017
Phone: +91 9966692249
Get Tinder Plus 6 Months subscription @ just Rs.750. Ping us on WhatsApp for more details. Offer ends soon.
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