📣 Happy Monday gang! Cheers to a good week, hey? ☕️📽🍿
📣 Happy Monday gang! Cheers to a good week, hey? ☕️📽🍿
We Cover Old and New Movies, Plus Tips and Tricks for the Best Subscriptions to Save You $$$. No Jargon, just the Opinion.
LSC Split Community strives to bring binge-watchers honest reviews that are to the point and do not blather on about plot or dialogue you can see for yourself in the movie, what you need to know, is whether the movie is worth watching.
There are good movies available for people to watch, but many people don't know which ones are good. Over the years We've developed a strong sense about which movies will be blockbusters, which ones will fail wide, and which ones will actually be seen by millions.
The average binge-watcher can use LSC Split Community's movie reviews to find out if he or she will like a specific film, or if the night would be better spent doing something else :)
Are we hiring? If you enjoy binge-watching and know stuff related to the various streaming platforms, this is your chance to make a difference.
Open Positions: 1. Content Writer
Write to admin@letsplitandchill.in with sample articles.
Okay Plus Spaces, Malviya Nagar, IN 302017
Phone: +91 9966692249
Get Tinder Plus 6 Months subscription @ just Rs.750. Ping us on WhatsApp for more details. Offer ends soon.
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